CCC Tuesday Updates – 20161025
October 26, 2016
- ABD Sunrise Park once again was windy, hard, fast, competitive, and did we mention windy? Thanks again to Jim Nowak and the ABD team for putting on another great event. As always all the results you are looking for are linked here.
- Up next the CCC heads a little farther West to Campton Cross. Its the day before Halloween, so take that for what you will.
- Speaking of upcoming events… this just in from our Friends at Big Marsh, “Save the Date for these upcoming events at BIG MARSH! You’ve been waiting… patiently… really really super patiently… and the time has come for the BIG MARSH BIKE PARK OPENING! Join us on Sunday, November 6 @ 11AM CT for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the Mayor! (If you’re not racing CCC, of course.) This date marks the official green light to ride all the awesome park features. The following Saturday, November 12 there will be tours covering the ecology, recreation, history and future of the park and its surroundings. And a larger grand opening event is being planned for Spring 2017.
- But the **most exciting news** is that you can celebrate with all your friends at the FIRST OFFICIAL RACE AT THE COMPLETED PARK! Mark your calendars for Friday, November 25 for a cyclocross-friendly race at our nation’s newest bike park – Big Marsh! That’s the day after Thanksgiving so please don’t stray too far, or at least plan to venture back, because we want each of you there to represent and prove that Chicago loves cycling! Leading up to the race there will be opportunities to get advance knowledge of the course by volunteering at a trail workday – the first is this Saturday, October 29 @ 10AM CT >> RSVP here!
Check the Friends of Big Marsh Facebook page for the latest news on all opportunities listed above. Thanks for helping to #buildbigmarsh!
- If you need extra CX Higher Gear will host their Rhythm and Blue Revue event this coming Saturday in Evanston.
- If you’ve been paying attention F3 Cycling (led by VVCX’s Tim Boundy) launched their FormMount Kickstarter campaign this past Friday. Some good industry press for it already here.
ABUS is selling t-shirts for $10. All proceeds go to People for Bikes. Shirts will be available for pick up at Campton and Woodstock. If you are interested in purchasing a shirt in advance shoot us an email at Cash or Credit
- And finally… mark your calendar, Los Borrachos are playing Friday December 16th at the Elbo Room. Consider this the unofficial, giant end of the season party for the CCC w/ a taco bar and a herd of bike nerds. More details to come…